Monday 3 October 2011

Day 4 Leftovers

So it would seem that I have a cold. It crept up on me!! What with the constant caffeine withdrawal that started on Saturday I didn't realize I was sick until I was waking up in the middle of the night to blow my nose.... over share?

The point of this little segue into my health is that I didn't feel like cooking tonight. The plan was to eat leftover stir fry from last night with rice. Instead I turned the leftover stir fry into Sesame Chili soup. So comforting and the chili really helps with the sinuses.

I just put 2 tablespoons soya sauce and 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds into about a pint of water. I added a little cayenne and a tiny dash of honey. I brought that up to a boil and then added the leftover stir fry.

The stir fry was that half a zucchini, some peppers, garlic and onions and two of the chicken sausages.

I also threw in 1 cup of cooked brown rice.

The soup was pretty good. Not amazing but edible and comforting with in it's warm soupiness. I also ate a toasted bagel. I don't have butter in my budget these first two weeks so I drizzled the bagel with canola oil and sprinkled a little salt on it.

I'ma curl up on the couch with my book now. Perhaps something more inspiring will happen tomorrow.

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